community feedback on GA meeting agenda?

Daniel Pocock daniel at
Thu Sep 28 09:07:22 UTC 2017

On 27/09/17 20:28, Johannes Zarl-Zierl wrote:
> Hello Daniel,
> On Mittwoch, 27. September 2017 11:24:36 CEST Daniel Pocock wrote:
>> Does anybody have any topics they would explicitly like to draw
>> attention to for the GA agenda?
> I don't know if it fits the GA, but I'd like to have some decision on the 
> licensing questions [1] that were recently posted on wikicaretakers@…
> [1]
>> Would people like to see the agenda available publicly, possibly on the
>> wiki?
> My gut reaction is: yes, of course!
> OTOH, looking at the last agenda most (if not all) topics to the agenda are 
> organisational:

This year the draft agenda includes a far more controversial topic, I'm
surprised it hasn't been made public already.

As the organization is mostly run by the activity of volunteers, the GA
can't exactly order people to do things.  However, it does have
significant influence in passing resolutions on matters such as:

- the relationship between volunteers and the organization

- financial decisions (notice the accounts are growing every year...)

- making broad statements and resolutions that try to capture the will
of the community or help the organization going off course



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