Documentation vs. Software (Re: Savannah rejects a project because it uses GPL)

Frank Heckenbach frank at
Wed Feb 22 23:44:58 UTC 2006

Alfred M. Szmidt wrote:

>    > You are confusing a already written work, and a work that doesn't
>    > yet exist where one invents something from scratch.  The later is
>    > infact protected by libel, slander, and other such laws.  The
>    > former is not.
>    Yet another unfounded claim. Can you back it up with some arguments
>    or references? Otherwise you're just wasting our time.
> Clearly, if you consider it false, it is your job to back it up.  Not
> mine.

You make the claim, you have to prove it. Do you believe "valid
until disproven" is a reasonable method of argument?

> The only person wasting anyones time is you.  If you are to lazy to
> look it up in a legal codex, please refrain from participating in this
> discussion.  What I have written is clearly stated in several legal
> codexes around the world, including the license of which a work is
> licensed under.

References please!

> That you are to lazy to be bothered to read any of
> this,

I read all the refences you provided (which are exactly zero, so

> and resort to inflammatory remarks is simply sad.

What exactly was inflammatory in my comment? This is another claim
(and accusation) you made that you need to back up.


Frank Heckenbach, frank at
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