[FSFE PR][DE] The Netherlands: Important points for the election

press at fsfe.org press at fsfe.org
Mi Sep 6 08:29:00 UTC 2023

 = The Netherlands: Important points for the election =

[ Online lesen: https://fsfe.org/news/2023/news-20230906-01.de.html ]

The Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) is committed to empower users
to control technolgy to digital civil rights, transparency and control
over technology. It does this by promoting Free Software (also known as
Open Source Software). In addition, Free Software promotes innovation
and prevents vendor lock-in. Digital sovereignty is only possible with
Free Software.

Our society is becoming increasingly digital, so it is crucial that
public values are also safeguarded in the digital domain. The upcoming
elections and term of office are an opportunity to take important steps
on current themes such as *artificial intelligence (AI)* and *digital

FSFE asks parties to work on the following action points:

- Strengthen the 'open, unless' policy that requires government to
  choose Free Software by default This is crucial for transparency and
  digital sovereignty, so embed this policy in legislation. Support
  governments in selecting and developing Free Software with a central
  expertise center. Identify government tasks where control and
  explainability is necessary and ensure this by applying the principle
  of ‘Public Money? Public Code!’ [1].

- Encourage wise reuse of software by investing in *digital commons* to
  make sure others can benefit from the improvements. Support the
  adaptation and development of these joint Free Software solutions with
  knowledge and financial resources. Use the European knowledge network
  and the space of European digitization funds for this.

- Improve the oversight and transparency of *algorithms* in government
  use. The further filling of the national *algorithm register* is a
  first step in this respect. In addition, increase transparency by
  publishing the *training data* and *source code* of those algorithms
  under a Free license, as we have argued before [2].

- Pupils and parents should not be forced to use proprietry software
  that often even spies on them. Place additional requirements on IT
  solutions for *knowledge and educational institutions* to help them
  maintain sovereignty in a digital world. Support institutions in the
  use of Free Software to prevent vendor-lock in and to promote
  independent digital skills.

- Stop wasting energy and strategically important raw materials by
  *extending the life of electronics*. Make sure that the end of support
  does not mean the end of the service life. To this end, empower
  consumers and businesses to *repair* hardware and replace software
  with Free Software that they control themselves. This call has been
  supported by the signatories of our open letter 'The universal right
  to install any software on any device' [3].

The FSFE is happy to elaborate on these points.

 1: https://fsfe.org/activities/publiccode/publiccode.de.html
 2: https://fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220330-01.de.html
 3: https://fsfe.org/activities/upcyclingandroid/openletter.html%20

  == Über die Free Software Foundation Europe ==

  Die Free Software Foundation Europe ist ein gemeinnütziger Verein, der
  Menschen im selbstbestimmten Umgang mit Technik unterstützt. Software
  beeinflusst sämtliche Bereiche unseres Lebens. Es ist wichtig, dass
  diese Technik uns hilft, statt uns einzuschränken. Freie Software gibt
  allen das Recht, Programme für jeden Zweck zu verwenden, zu verstehen,
  zu verbreiten und zu verbessern. Diese Freiheiten stärken andere
  Grundrechte wie die Redefreiheit, die Pressefreiheit und das Recht auf

  Die FSFE hilft Menschen und Organisationen dabei, zu verstehen, wie
  Freie Software zu Freiheit, Transparenz und Selbstbestimmung beiträgt.
  Sie stärkt Nutzerrechte, indem sie Hürden für den Einsatz Freier
  Software beseitigt, ermutigt Menschen zum Einsatz und zur Entwicklung
  Freier Software, und stellt Ressourcen für alle bereit, die Freie
  Software in Europa voranbringen wollen.


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