[FSFE PR][DE] Router Freedom: German telcos want to exclude fiber

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Fr Sep 15 09:11:17 UTC 2023

 = Router Freedom: German telcos want to exclude fiber =

[ Online lesen: https://fsfe.org/news/2023/news-20230915-01.de.html ]

German network operators have requested the national regulator
Bundesnetzagentur to start procedures to exclude Router Freedom from
fiber networks. In a consultation, the FSFE picks apart all the telcos’
arguments and calls on the regulator to respect consumer rights.

The German telecommunications regulator Bundesnetzagentur, has opened
procedures [1] to analyse a request made by fiber network operators
requesting to exclude Router Freedom from fiber networks. The request
contains the fiber operators’ arguments, including security of the
network, cost of support, quality of service and interoperability

In the public consultation (in German) [2] the FSFE has called on the
regulator to dismiss the request since it goes against the German law
and the EU regulatory framework of net neutrality, which has clearly set
rules safeguarding freedom of terminal equipment for end-users. Although
the network operators have tried to pose fiber networks as a special
case, we have demonstrated that there is no objective technological
necessity to abolish Router Freedom. On the contrary, Router Freedom
represents also for fiber freedom of choice, security, consumer welfare,
fair competition and sustainability.

The FSFE’s arguments were also supported by empirical data collected in
the comprehensive Router Freedom survey, where more than 1.600
participants have stated their problems with ISPs hampering their rights
to use their own routers and modems.

    "German fiber networks are pushing the boundaries against Router
    Freedom. However, telcos were not able to prove the necessity to
    revisit the law, making their request void. We call on the
    Bundesnetzagentur to consider end-users rights and interests and
    safeguard Router Freedom in fiber networks".

    - Alexander Sander, FSFE’s Senior Policy Consultant.

You can download the FSFE’s consultation paper here (in German) [3]

 1: https://www.bundesnetzagentur.de/DE/Fachthemen/Telekommunikation/Unternehmenspflichten/Schnittstelle_netzabschluss/start.html
 2: https://download.fsfe.org/routers/fsfe-bnetza-fiber-de-2023.pdf
 3: https://download.fsfe.org/routers/fsfe-bnetza-fiber-de-2023.pdf

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