[FSFE Zurich] FediGov

Ralf Hersel ralf.hersel at rum3ber.ch
Do Nov 3 16:44:43 UTC 2022

Hello Team

We are happy to announce a joined initiative of FSFE-Switzerland and
GNU/Linux.ch called FediGov: https://fedigov.ch/en/
The initiative strives to foster public communication for authorities and public
institutions in the Fediverse. Citizens should be empowered to participate in
public communication without proprietary services. Some authorities already
complemented their communication channels with Fediverse services like Mastodon,
but not enough.

We believe that it is the right time to start this initiative because of the
recent changes at Twitter. The initiatives consist mainly of the website and
press releases. The website explains reasons why authorities should add services
from the Fediverse to their existing communication channels. Moreover, it
contains a prepared letter (and E-mail) that can be sent to authorities. Since
Switzerland is a multilingual country, we provide four languages on the page:
German, English, Italian and French.

All FSFE local groups are encouraged to follow our initiative. The code of the
website is available at https://codeberg.org/ralfhersel/fedigov and can be
easily forked and adapted to the needs of your local group. We are happy to help
you with starting a similar initiative in your country.

Best regards
Ralf Hersel and the Swiss FSFE Team

Ralf Hersel
Free Software Foundation Europe - Local Group Zurich

Phone: +41 76 507 83 53
Email: ralf.hersel at rum3ber.ch | Chat: https://matrix.to/#/@ralfhersel:fsfe.org
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