[Fellowship-Slovenia] Študija o (ne)koristnosti programskih patentov v ZDA

Igor Kolar igor.kolar at gmail.com
Mon Jul 4 03:31:32 UTC 2011

Podiplomski študent bostonske pravne fakultete je preveril, ali so
programski patenti v zadnjih 20 letih prinesli kaj koristi ameriškim
podjetjem. Zaključuje, da bolj ne.

Notri navedeni argumenti  so sicer že dobro znani, me pa zanima, če
kdo pozna še kako podobno študijo.


A generation of software patents
by James Bessen
(Boston University School of Law, Fellow, Berkman Center for Internet
and Society)

Abstract: This report examines changes in the patenting behavior of
the software industry
since the 1990s. It finds that most software firms still do not
patent, most software patents are
obtained by a few large firms in the software industry or in other
industries, and the risk of
litigation from software patents continues to increase dramatically.
Given these findings, it is
hard to conclude that software patents have provided a net social
benefit in the software industry.

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