[DE] DRM Booklet English -> German until 20. August

Matthias Kirschner mk at fsfe.org
Mi Aug 8 16:13:38 UTC 2012

Dear German speakers, 

I am just commning back from a meeting with Digitale Gesellschaft. We
want to announce a German version of the DRM booklet we wrote for EDRI
for IFA (31. August). We will translate it, and layout it nicely. The
booklet is here: www.edri.org/files/2012EDRiPapers/DRM.pdf

It would be perfect if we have a translation ready until 20. August at
8:00, so we can send it to the designers. We will then have a press
release about that. 

The text is here:

Thanks a lot!

Matthias Kirschner - FSFE - Fellowship Coordinator, German Coordinator
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