The 2% discussion - "Free Software" or "Open Source Software"

Jonas Oberg jonas at
Thu Nov 16 14:10:40 UTC 2017

Hi Adonay,

> As is already present in the reference I made to Stallman's talk, some
> of the differences in the ideology of those two groups are visible in
> the choice of license type, presence (or absense) of license enforcement
> (and how it's made) and how they behave when noticing derivatives that
> implement digital handcuffs or non-free parts when these adaptations use
> their project's product/result (which is assumed to be free/libre).

I would posit though that to the extent there's a difference between two
groups (I'm not convinced there are, at least not so distinctly), then the
difference is not between whether they use "Free Software" or "Open Source"
as a term, but precisely the differences you mention.

It would seem irrefutable there are groups which prefer permissive licensing,
and there are groups which prefer copyleft licensing. But it seems divisive
and unnecessary to ascribe on those groups some general views of what term
they may or may not use.

Jonas Öberg
Executive Director

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