Contributing for FLOSS projects/ communities

Katja Gucek katja.gucek at
Fri Aug 19 08:52:30 UTC 2016

Hi everybody,

this is probably the first time I am posting on this list. I am just
conducting a thesis research at Faculty of Social Sciences, Cultural
Studies Department - University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, Europe.
I am interested in incentives for voluntary participation in projects or
communities developing or supporting Free/ Libre or Open-Source software
(FLOSS) products or movement – whether it is a software, web, hardware,
hacker space, movement supporting or promoting free and open philosophy or
events regarding this topic.

I'd like to ask for help with my survey - filling out this 5-10 minutes
long questionnaire:

Thank you so much in advance. Your help and answers are very valuable.

If this mail is inappropriate for this list, I deeply apologize.

Best regards,

Katja Guček
Ljubljana, Slovenija (Europe)

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