Why “fellowship”?

Matthias Kirschner mk at fsfe.org
Thu Jan 5 15:44:31 UTC 2012

See https://fsfe.org/about/legal/constitution.en.html: "Acquisition of
membership" for how to become a member.

* Heiki Repentinus Ojasild <repentinus at fsfe.org> [2012-01-05 15:39:59 +0000]:

> As Estonian law is generally based on German law, I would expect that
> the GA has to meet at least once a year. With the current
> constitution, it certainly has to. 

Yes, that's correct.

> And at least a third of the members have to be present or have to have
> authorized someone else to vote for them in order for the GA to be
> resolutionable. 

  (4) The General Assembly is resolutionable, if it was duly called up
  and at least one third of all members is present or represented by
  members present. In the case of decision inability, the President is
  obliged to call up a second General Assembly with the same agenda
  within four weeks; this General Assembly will resolutionable without
  consideration of the members present. This is to be referred to in the


Matthias Kirschner - FSFE - Fellowship Coordinator, German Coordinator
FSFE, Linienstr. 141, 10115 Berlin, t +49-30-27595290 +49-1577-1780003 
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