Software patents on Europe

Eneko Lacunza eneko.lacunza at
Sat Mar 2 10:52:05 UTC 2002


	I don't know whether FSF Europe is taking active efforts on this
matter, but I thought you'd like to know that spanish group Hispalinux,
with more than 1 thousand members, is meeting some spanish goverment
representatives during the current month.

	The issues that will be discussing are: web accessibility on goverment
sites, Free Software in the goverment and of course, european software
patents and their evilness.

	This won't be the first time this kind of contacts happen, as
previously have been contacts for free software users to be able to do
their tax "declaration" (sorry, don't know the english word for it)
digitally, as currently there is a software that only runs on windows.
This "declaration" is a yearly issue that every citizen with income must
complete, and currently can be done by paper or by a windows software. A
web based solution is being developed by the goverment thanks to
Hispalinux requests, so that Free Software users can complete the task
digitally (online).


Eneko Lacunza

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Apoya el Software Libre - No a las patentes - -    

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