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Stefan Meretz stefan.meretz at hbv.org
Thu May 10 07:56:24 UTC 2001

Frank Heckenbach wrote:
> I suppose these people have actually read the GPL (or BSD license or
> whatever) before releasing their stuff under it, haven't they? If
> they didn't like the fact that it allows others to make money from
> it, they could (should) have chosen another license, rather than
> complaining later that others do exactly what they were allowed to.

Is there a copyleft license preventing from making money with free


  Vereinte Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft / HBV
  HA II, Abteilung Datenverarbeitung
  Kanzlerstr. 8, 40472 Duesseldorf
  mailto:stefan.meretz at hbv.org
  maintaining: http://www.hbv.org
  see also: http://www.verdi-net.de
  private stuff: http://www.meretz.de

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