Statuatory for Austrian Subsection (in German)

Georg Jakob jack at
Tue Jan 9 23:16:50 UTC 2001

On 9 Jan 2001, Georg C. F. Greve kindly wrote:

> From what I have read so far from you, it seems that a local
> membership-based Free Software oriented organization is what you have
> in mind. That means that you'd probably be perfect candidates for
> becoming an associate organization - this is the course that APRIL
> in France will probably take, too.

Personally I don't care if what we are trying to start might turn out as a
subbranch or an associate organization. I hope I do not sound to pathetic
by saying that I belive in freedom (like in free speech) and want to give
something back if I can. 

> However. We very much welcome your enthusiasm and we'd like to get to
> know you, so if you want to introduce yourself, your idea(l)s and
> concepts to us, we'd be happy to listen and get to know you.

There's not that much at the moment and I am aware of the fact that what's
there needs to be worked on. I am way behind schedule, but, well
... working on it.



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