Sent reply to announce, sorry!

Frederico S. Mu�oz fsmunoz at
Thu Dec 28 00:18:30 UTC 2000

Oooops, I replied to the press release and then I noticed that it was
on the announce list, sorry.

Anyway, here is my question about the press release:


On Wed, Dec 27, 2000 at 10:47:15PM +0100, Georg C. F. Greve wrote:
> $Date: 2001/04/28 21:59:02 $
> (German, Italian and French below)

Since this is a press release, is there any inconvinience in
translating it to portuguese (yes, I'm voluntering)? Here in Portugal
the impact of free-software in recent years has been the same as in
the rest of Europe and I think it would be a Good Thing if I could
actually send it to the press.

I proposed a similar translation for the fsfeurope page but got no
reply, I guess you are really focusing on 3 or 4 countries for now.

Let me know.

Best Regards,


Frederico S. Mu?oz              GNU
fsmunoz at        Debian - SDF Public Access Unix Systems
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