[FSFE Zurich] Fwd: Re: turning local group's website to multi-language

Max Mehl max.mehl at fsfe.org
Mi Jan 26 10:30:07 UTC 2022

~ Ralf Hersel [2022-01-24 22:39 +0100]:
> The translation is not the issue. It is rather turning the Hugo template to
> multilingual, where Max already provided a pull request. What is missing, is a
> language chooser. Max, please correct me, if I'm wrong.

I think there are three distinctive tasks:

1. Translate the content, which is mainly the .md files and the few
   strings in config.toml.
2. Add new languages in config.toml. My pull request shows that this is
3. Create a language switcher. You can see on publiccode.eu how I did it
   once, but there may be more elegant solutions. The snippet I pasted
   in the PR basically just creates a list of available languages
   (configured in config.toml), now it's about placement, styling etc.


Max Mehl - Programme Manager - Free Software Foundation Europe
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