[WikiCaretakers] where has the CARE internal-wiki-page been gone?

Erik Albers eal at fsfe.org
Thu Sep 6 13:06:03 UTC 2018

On 06.09.2018 14:21, Max Mehl wrote:
> I've deactivated the redirection for a while to enable you to copy out
> everything. At the same time I will have to investigate how to make the
> redirection not affect subpages.
> For reference, the current line in /var/www/.htaccess is
>   Redirect permanent "/KnowHow/FSFELife/CodeOfConduct" https://fsfe.org/about/codeofconduct

btw, the redirect was wrong anyone and led to


with 404 as mentioned.

correct would be the link that you said is put in .htaccess:


Beste Grüße,

No one shall ever be forced to use non-free software
Erik Albers | Communication & Community Coordinator | FSFE
OpenPGP Key-ID: 0x8639DC81 on keys.gnupg.net

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