FSFE Newsletter March 2018

press at fsfe.org press at fsfe.org
Tue Mar 20 13:47:20 CET 2018

 = FSFE Newsletter March 2018 =

[ Read online: https://fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201803.it.html ]

 == Italy at the forefront of European legislation for public code ==

With the FSFE's Public Money? Public Code! [1] campaign not only do we
demand that code paid for by the people should be available to the
people. We also highlight good examples of public code so other decision
makers can learn from it. One very good example is Article 68 [2] and
Article 69 [3] of the "Codice Amministrazione Digitale", an Italian law
requiring public administrations inside Italy to prefer internally made
solutions and Free Software solutions over proprietary ones. In
addition, these administrations have the duty to share the source code
and documentation of any software developed with public money. These
laws put Italy at the forefront of European legislation in favour of
public code.

Unfortunately, so far the law lacks proper implementation. In that
light, the FSFE's country team in Italy ran an Ask Your Candidates
campaign [4] in which they asked the political parties about their stand
on Free Software [5] and the implementation of the aforementioned
Articles 68 and 69 after the national elections on March 4.

FSFE Italy received very positive replies and many parties took a
favourable stand towards Free Software [6]. Such a big consensus across
these parties gives hope to open up a lot of possibilities for progress
towards the use of Free Software at the state level in Italy and a
better implementation of Articles 68 and 69 of the "Codice
Amministrazione Digitale". As a match to this, the team "Developers
Italia", who are in charge of further implementation of the Articles 68
and 69, sent out their love for Free Software [7] on I love Free
Software day.

 == Read our detailed IloveFS report ==

As promised in the last newsletter, we now have a detailed report about
our IloveFS campaign in 2018 [8]. In the report, you will not only read
about some highlights that happened for this year's IloveFS. Thanks to
our current intern Jan, we also have an analysis and visualisation of
439 'I Love Free Software' messsages containing the /#IloveFS/ hashtag.
The scraper Jan used for his analysis is written in GNU R and published
as Free Software [9].

While every year we are happy to see so many people celebrating I love
Free Software day, we also encourage you to express your Free Software
love every day :)


Join our community of freedom fighters. [10]


 == What else have we done? Inside and Outside the FSFE ==

- Paul Boddie reflects on the hobbyism and volunteerism attitude [11] in
  many Free Software projects and what this means for the valuation of
  the actual work that is done, examining Python language development as
  an example.

- Isabel Drost Fromm argues against people acting as mediators [12] as
  the only interface between their employer and a Free Software project.

- Carmen Bianca Bakker reflects on the recently updated FreeBSD Code of
  Conduct [13], examines the included dangers of positive
  discrimination, and states how a non-biased, welcoming Code of Conduct
  can indeed help dogs and cats to live happily ever after.

- Daniel Pocock reflects on the newly-introduced SwissID [14], and its
  potential dangers to privacy and democratic referendums.

- Erik Albers asked our community on multiple channels to let the FSFE
  know about upcoming Free Software events in 2018 that are of interest
  to the FSFE community. Thanks to our current intern Vincent they all
  ended up in the FSFE's wiki calendar [15] so our teams and community
  can use them to organise their attendance.

- Björn Schießle, the FSFE's country coordinator Germany, gave a talk
  about software freedom in the cloud [16] at "Chemnitzer Linuxtage" in
  Chemnitz, Germany.

- Erik Albers was giving a talk about Public Money? Public Code! [17] at
  the Internet Freedom Festival in Valencia, Spain.

- The new born local FSFE group in Madrid had its first meeting on
  February 22 [18] and March 3 [19].

- The FSFE has been present with a booth at "Chemnitzer Linuxtage" in
  Chemnitz (Germany), at T3chfest in Madrid (Spain), and at the Internet
  Freedom Festival in Valencia (Spain).

 == Get Active ==

If you have not done so yet, let us know your favorite Free Software
event that you think is or should be in interest for the FSFE community
to set up a booth at or participate in with a talk or workshop. The
simplest way to do so is by sending a mail to contact at fsfe.org [20] with
the subject "Free Software event 2018". Please state what the event is
about, how many participants are expected, and the main language used.
Before informing us, please check if we do not already have it in our
list [21].

If you are visiting any other events regularly or soon, be it a big
conference or a local meet-up, equip yourself with some FSFE promotion
material that you can order at no charge [22].

 == Contribute to our newsletter ==

If you would like to share any thoughts, pictures, or news, send them to
us. As always, the address is newsletter at fsfe.org [23]. We're looking
forward to hearing from you!

Thanks to our community, all the volunteers [24], supporters [25] and
donors [26] who make our work possible. And thanks to our translators
[27], who enable you to read this newsletter in your mother tongue.

Your editors,

Erik Albers and Max Mehl


Join our community of freedom fighters. [28]


Free Software Foundation Europe <https://fsfe.org>
FSFE News <https://fsfe.org/news/news.en.rss>
Upcoming FSFE Events <https://fsfe.org/events/events.en.rss>
Fellowship Blog Aggregation <https://planet.fsfe.org/en/rss20.xml>
Free Software Discussions <https://fsfe.org/contact/community.en.html>

  1: https://publiccode.eu
  2: http://www.agid.gov.it/cad/art-68-analisi-comparativa-soluzioni
  3: http://www.agid.gov.it/cad/art-69-riuso-soluzioni-standard-aperti
  4: https://fsfe.org/campaigns/askyourcandidates/askyourcandidates
  5: https://fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180219-01
  6: https://fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180302-01.html
  7: https://twitter.com/developersITA/status/964060999899860992
  8: https://fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180308-01
  9: https://git.fsfe.org/janwey/ilfs-data
 10: https://fsfe.org/join/nl2018-03
 11: https://blogs.fsfe.org/pboddie/?p=1978
 12: http://blog.isabel-drost-fromm.de/posts/proxies-considered-harmful.html
 13: https://www.carmenbianca.eu/en/post/2018-03-09-how-we-conduct-ourselves/
 14: https://danielpocock.com/swisspost-swissid-another-nail-in-the-coffin-sovereignty
 15: https://wiki.fsfe.org/Events
 16: https://www.schiessle.org/articles/2017/11/14/software-freedom-in-the-cloud/
 17: https://platform.internetfreedomfestival.org/en/IFF2018/public/schedule/custom/478
 18: https://wiki.fsfe.org/Events/2018/0222-encuentro-local-madrid
 19: https://wiki.fsfe.org/Events/2018/0303-encuentro-grupo-local-madrid
 20: https://fsfe.org/mailto:contactATfsfeDOTorg
 21: http://blog.3rik.cc/2018/03/free-software-events-in-europe-in-2018/
 22: https://fsfe.org/promo
 23: https://fsfe.org/mailto:newsletterATfsfeDOTorg
 24: https://fsfe.org/contribute/contribute
 25: https://fsfe.org/join
 26: https://fsfe.org/donate/thankgnus
 27: https://fsfe.org/contribute/translators/translators
 28: https://fsfe.org/join/nl2018-03

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