[Fsfe-se] Re: Fsfe-se Digest, Vol 6, Issue 11

Jeremiah Foster jeremiah.foster at gmail.com
Tue Feb 22 12:34:03 CET 2005

> "I USA utgår man från konstitutionen som säger att allt som är nytt och
> användbart är patenterbart"
> Den amerikanska konstitutionen säger i article 1, section 8
> (http://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/constitution.articlei.html#section8)
> "The Congress shall have power . . .
> To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for
> limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their
> respective writings and discoveries"

This has been amended over the years to extend the duration of the
patent. Disney is one of the big players in this area originally. They
wanted to keep the rights to Mickey Mouse because it makes so much
money. Originally patents expired after 70 years, but that has been

> Förslag på agenda inför FSFE-SE-möte 23/2 2005
> 1) Informationspunkter
>      a) Forum
> 2) Events
>      a) LinuxForum
>      b) Fosdem
>      c) Comdex
>      d) NUCCC
>      e) PUGS

         f) EuroPython ?
> 2) Diskussionspunkter
>      a) CIP-konferens
>      b) "Open Source Marketing"
>      c) Reklamkampanj
>      d) Uppdragsutbildning
        e)  Etiska FOSS företag som kan konkurrera med storre
företagarna typ Novell, IBM ?

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