[Fsfe-nordic] Copyright directive, article 13 etc - A campaign in Finland

Martin von Willebrand Martin.vonWillebrand at hhpartners.fi
Wed Mar 6 18:20:51 UTC 2019

Hi, I started a campaign on Twitter and it worked reasonably nicely. I said roughly:
I won't vote in parliament elections any MEP, who is for the EU copyright directive. Open code, internet and data mining under threat. Retweet if you agree. #Article13


Followed with some other tweets in the same thread linking some local articles on the subject and explaining why certain MEP handles were mentioned (I mentioned those who were likely pro the change and therefore should be converted)

I also alerted some friends by direct messages etc to get some initial push.

I think it would be worth to do similar campaigns in your local languages.

It's going nicely with over 100 retweets now.

Link to my tweet:



Martin Von Willebrand

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