[Fsfe-ie] Feb 1st Belfast: OpenIsland, Perens, FS, business

Ciaran O'Riordan ciaran at fsfe.org
Mon Dec 17 12:14:37 CET 2007

On Friday Feb 1st 2008, there'll be a business-orientated free software
event in Belfast.  The event has an "all island" theme, so we're looking
into providing free Dublin-Belfast busses and starting a little later than
usual to allow for people who have to travel in the morning.

Event site: http://www.openisland.net/

Like for the Belfast event of March 2006, Bruce Perens has kindly agreed to
come and keynote.  Other speakers on the day will focus on case studies of
free software migrations in-progress or completed.

The focus of this event is business and adoption but FSFE and IFSO will be
involved to ensure that sustainability and legal issues are also discussed.

Suggestions welcome, as would be help in publicising this event.

Ciarán O'Riordan __________________ \ Support Free Software and GNU/Linux
http://ciaran.compsoc.com/ _________ \     Join FSFE's Fellowship:
http://fsfe.org/fellows/ciaran/weblog \      http://www.fsfe.org

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