[Fsfe-ie] Report on AGM 2005

Glenn Strong Glenn.Strong at cs.tcd.ie
Fri Mar 25 19:44:08 CET 2005

--text follows this line--
The IFSO 2005 AGM was held in TCD on the 23rd of March 2005 at 7pm.
Chair: Glenn Strong 
       (note: In the absence of the chairman the meeting was chaired
        by the Secretary)

  Members (presence of an asterisk indicates a member of more than
  four months standing, and therefore eligable to vote in the election
  for committee members):
  Abey Campbell
  Conor Nash (*)
  David Cathcart (*)
  David O'Callaghan
  Eibhear OhAnluain (*)
  Glenn Strong (*)
  Harry Tormey (*)
  Hugh Gibbons (*)
  Malcolm Tyrrell (*)
  Mel McWeeney (*)
  Sean O'Sullivan
  Teresa Hackett (*)

  Ryan Meade

1. Opening announcements. The meeting thanked Hugh Gibbons for
   assisting in arranging the room and Teresa Hackett for organising
   the meeting. The meeting then confirmed that a quorum was present.

2. Apologies for absence were noted from Ciaran O'Riordan and Ben

3. The meeting then approved the agenda

4. The voting procedure for the committee election was agreed. It was
   noted that a preferendum voting system should be considered for the
   next AGM; it was agreed that a simpler system could be used at this
   meeting. It was agreed that for the current meeting it would be
   sufficient to use a first-past the post system to elect one
   committee member, and th to repeat this process with the remaining
   candidates until all committee positions were filled.

5. In the absence of the treasurer an interim report on the IFSO
   finances was presented by the Secretary. It was agreed by the
   meeting that the accounts could not be approved in the present
   state, as there were a number of figures that were not
   finalised. It was unanimously agreed that the meeting would proceed
   on the condition that the final accounts be circulated for approval
   within two weeks of this date.

6. The amounts of the subscriptions and the due dates were agreed:
   6.1 The subscription shall remain at ¤20 for a year, but quarterly
       discounts will be available.
   6.2 Memberships shall run from January to December

7. The rules for a quorum at the Annual General Meeting was
   discussed at some length. It was decided by a majority
   7.1 that the figure for a quorum should remain at 10 members
   7.2 that the word "first" be struck from section 2.8 of the
   constitution, thus requiring the next AGM to consider the figure

8. The rules for a quorum at the Extraordinary General Meeting was
   also discussed. By a majority is was decided
   8.1 that the figure for a quorum should be raised to 8 members
   8.2 that the word "first" be struck from section 3.1 of the
   constitution, thus requiring the next AGM to consider the figure
9. The election for the committee was then held, with each candidate
   making a brief statement (nominee Ciaran O'Riordan having provided
   a statement to be read to the meeting). The outgoing committee
   determined that it would be desirable to enlarge slightly in the
   coming year, and therefore were including one additional committee
   position for a total of five. The following
   members were elected to constitute the committee for 2005:
   1. Glenn Strong
   2. Teresa Hackett
   3. Malcolm Tyrrell
   4. Ciaran O'Riordan
   5. David Cathcart

10. It was unanimously agreed to pursue affiliation with FSFE

11. There was discussion of the draft workplan for 2005, with
    agreement reached as to items to be pursued.

12. AOB
    12.1 It was proposed and agreed to thank Black Night Solutions for
    their donation of web hosting and domain registration during 2004

13. There being no further business the meeting was closed.


Further notes

a) A number of outstanding subscriptions were collected
b) Following the meeting the incoming committee met and determined the
   internal arrangement of the committee:

   Chairman: Glenn Strong
   Treasurer: Teresa Hackett
   Secretary: David Cathcart
   Webmaster: Malcolm Tyrrell
   General member: Ciaran O'Riordan

Report on the IFSO 2005 AGM

The IFSO 2005 AGM was held in TCD on the 23rd of March 2005 at 7pm.
Chair: Glenn Strong 
       (note: In the absence of the chairman the meeting was chaired
        by the Secretary)

The meeting opened by polling the members present to determine the
quorum. Since more than 10 IFSO members were present the meeting was
declared to have a quorum.

1. Opening announcements. The meeting thanked Hugh Gibbons for
   assisting in arranging the room and Teresa Hackett for organising
   the meeting.

2. Apologies for absence were noted from Ciaran O'Riordan and Ben

3. The meeting then approved the agenda

4. The voting procedure for the committee election was agreed. It was
   noted that a preferendum voting system should be considered for the
   next AGM; it was agreed that a simpler system could be used at this

5. In the absence of the treasurer an interim report on the IFSO
   finances was presented by the Secretary. It was agreed by the
   meeting that the accounts could not be approved in the present
   state, as there were a number of figured that were not
   finalised. It was unanimously agreed that the meeting would proceed
   on the condition that the final accounts be circulated and approved
   within two weeks of this date.

6. The amounts of the subscriptions and the due dates were agreed:
   6.1 The subscription shall remain at ¤20 for a year, but quarterly
       discounts will be available.
   6.2 Memberships shall run from January to December

7. The rules for a quorum at the Annual General Meeting was
   discussed at some length. It was decided by a majority
   7.1 that the figure for a quorum should remain at 10 members
   7.2 that the word "first" be struck from section 2.8 of the
   constitution, thus requiring the next AGM to consider the figure

8. The rules for a quorum at the Extraordinary General Meeting was
   also discussed. By a majority is was decided
   8.1 that the figure for a quorum should be raised to 8 members
   8.2 that the word "first" be struck from section 3.1 of the
   constitution, thus requiring the next AGM to consider the figure
9. The election for the committee was then held, with each candidate
   making a brief statement (nominee Ciaran O'Riordan having provided
   a statement to be read to the meeting), and the following
   members were elected to constitute the committee for 2005:
   1. Glenn Strong
   2. Teresa Hackett
   3. Malcolm Tyrrell
   4. Ciaran O'Riordan
   5. David Cathcart

10. It was unanimously agreed to pursue affiliation with FSFE

11. There was discussion of the draft workplan for 2005, with
    agreement reached as to items to be pursued.

12. AOB
    12.1 It was proposed and agreed to thank Black Night Solutions for
    their donation of web hosting and domain registration during 2004

13. There being no further business the meeting was closed.


Further notes

a) A number of outstanding subscriptions were collected
b) Following the meeting the incoming committee met and determined the
   internal arrangement of the committee:

   Chairman: Glenn Strong
   Treasurer: Teresa Hackett
   Secretary: David Cathcart
   Webmaster: Malcolm Tyrrell
   General member: Ciaran O'Riordan

  It was further decided that the chairman would also act as the
  primary press contact and PRO.

  Photographs from the meeting are available:
  (composite image created from -1 and -2)
  http://www.cs.tcd.ie/Glenn.Strong/Pictures/agm2004/ (low quality
  phonecam images)

  David's photos also available here: http://flickr.com/photos/cathcart/7351512/

Glenn Strong

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