FOSS suggestions for Dutch government agreement (regeerakkoord)

Jan Vlug j at
Mon Sep 24 23:50:37 CEST 2012

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Hello list,

Currently the Dutch political parties VVD and PvdA negotiate about a
government agreement (regeerakkoord in Dutch).

I would like to provide them a paragraph regarding Free and Open
Source Software and related subjects that they could consider to
include in the regeerakkoord.

Do you have suggestions where we could collaboratively work on such a

I have the following topics in mind:

* The Dutch government (including education and public media) should
use: open standards, free and open source software, open data, and
free licenses to prevent vendor lock-in and to give public investments
back to the people (i.e. tax-payers).

* The community is powerful (free software, sharing, culture, open
streetmap, wikipedia) and should be supported by the government.

* Internet freedom and net neutrality. No use of closed standards and
DRM by public media and educational institutes.

* Open and transparent government (Wet Openbaarheid van Bestuur (WoB),

* Copyright reform and rejection of software patents.

* The results of projects and investigations paid for by the
government should be open free of costs available to the public.

* Privacy.

In the end the text has to be available in Dutch.

Do you know which persons we could provide the input to? It would be
great if we could present the text to politicians and the press.

I had a look in the programs of the VVD and PvdA for topics related to
the subjects above:

page 26:    internet
page 45-48: cyber security/crime, privacy, internet, ACTA

page 38:    digital freedom, privacy
page 63:    free internet
page 71:    open government, ACTA
page 73:    internet

And finally, for inspiration the program of the Piratenpartij:

The parties have the intention to finalize the regeerakkoord on short
term. Hopefully we can be in time to provide them some valuable input.

Jan Vlug

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