[Translators][NL] New donate page: please translate!

Jelle Hermsen jelle at fsfe.org
Fri Jul 15 16:16:02 CEST 2011

Hi Sam,
Thanks for being so thorough. Do you have access to the SVN? In that 
case you can commit the changes yourself in the future. I have committed 
the changes to SVN.
I suggest we leave all the names for the donor levels as they are right 
now. Changing them will not only mean changing the donate page, but also 
grepping through the entire tree to find all the other pages that need 
to be updated consequently.

> Btw, isn't it about time you Northeners come up with a term for 
> language on your side of the border? Flemish is Dutch to, you know 
> [3]. :P 
What about frogspeak or gurgle speak? My harsh 'g' sounds like the 
drains needs some serious maintenance :). And I think there are some 
people who wouldn't mind practicing some amateur-dentistry on my face 
when I'd dare to call Frisian Dutch, so I'm on the safe side here :-p

* "Contributeur" does sound French, in fact it is. Gives the whole 
donor-levels a tad bit of sophistication don't you think?
* Doorlopende contributie" sounds strange, but I think this is the usual 
way to call this.
* I've put 'gelieve' in. I agree this is much better.
* I don't see any problems with 'naast een donatie'. 'Bovenop' sounds 
like an anglicism to me.
* "Als u uw donatie via...", changed into: "Als u doneert via een..."
* I agree Sponsoriconen is total hogwash. We are no Americans :-), 
"sponsorplaatjes" it is


On 07/14/2011 09:46 PM, Sam Geeraerts wrote:
> Jelle Hermsen wrote:
>> The Dutch translation is done. You can find it attached to this 
>> e-mail and in SVN. I used the original donate page as a reference. I 
>> believe 'patroon' is actually more Flemish than Dutch (in Dutch it's 
>> a bit archaic), but it's all over the place in the FSFE site, so it 
>> might be best to just stick with it. Gives it a nice Burgundian flair :)
> Wiktionary [1] doesn't list the meaning used here, but Van Dale [2] 
> does (without linking it to a geographic area). "Beschermheer" sounds 
> less archaic, but is gender specific. And "beschermpersoon" is rather 
> forced. "Patroon" it is, then.
> Btw, isn't it about time you Northeners come up with a term for 
> language on your side of the border? Flemish is Dutch to, you know 
> [3]. :P
>> Please proofread!
> * End sentences in a full stop:
> - "... lijst van donoren."
> - "... anoniem blijven."
> * "non-profit, onafhankelijke organisatie": is ok, but "onafhankelijke 
> vzw" sound both more fluent and more Dutch to me.
> * "Contributeur": that word doesn't exist. I looked up the English 
> word on Wiktionary [4], which linked to the French translation [5], 
> which suggests "weldoener" for Dutch. A bit much perhaps. However, 
> "bijdrager" does exist [6] and it says what needs to be said, IMO.
> * "Doorlopende contributie": if "bijdrager" then "bijdrage". I find 
> the English "sustaining" much stronger than "doorlopend". My paper 
> dictionary suggests "dragend", "verstevigend", "kracht bijzettend", 
> "aanmoedigend", "duurzaam". I prefer the last one.
> * "... neem dan graag contact met ons op ...": I think "gelieve dan 
> contact met ons op the nemen" is more common.
> * "... als alternatief of naast een donatie": "als alternatief voor of 
> bovenop een donatie".
> * "Als u uw donatie via ...": "Als uw donatie via".
> * "Sponsor iconen": I see no reason for a capital. I'm pretty sure 
> it's written as one word. I think "sponsorplaatjes" also works, 
> although that's rather, ehm, non-Flemish Dutch. ;)
> [1] http://nl.wiktionary.org/wiki/patroon
> [2] 
> http://www.vandale.nl/vandale/zoekService.do?selectedDictionary=nn&selectedDictionaryName=Nederlands&searchQuery=patroon 
> [3] 
> http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vlaams#Vlaams_als_Zuid-Nederlandse_taalvariant 
> [4] http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/contributor
> [5] http://fr.wiktionary.org/wiki/bienfaiteur
> [6] http://woordenlijst.org/zoek/?q=bijdrager&w=w
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