
Karsten Gerloff gerloff at
Tue Feb 22 12:27:52 CET 2011

Hi everyone,

thanks for the excellent meeting at FOSDEM! It was great to see
you all, and to feel the enthusiasm in the group!

Since Rainer has already done a great job of providing answers to
most points, here's my contribution:

On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 02:51:54PM +0100, Rainer Kersten wrote:

> > Ik neem aan dat het doorzetten van officiele persberichten wel zo
> > doorgezet kunnen worden
> > naar nederlandse media. Zitten we alleen met het verifieren van de vertaling ;).
> There is an existing workflow for press releases including a tool for
> collaborated editing. I think Karsten can tell more about that
> (as soon as he is well again). Or ask Matze. ;-)

We have an Etherpad installation here:

There you can edit documents collaboratively, but they'll be
public (though people would have to know the URL).

For a bit more privacy, head over to

and create a team site (e.g. "bnl"). One or more people will need to
act as admins and give others permission to access the team site.
You can then create any number of collaborative documents there,
and only registered team members will be able to access them.

So go forth and draft ;-)

Best regards,
Karsten Gerloff                      [ ]   <gerloff at>
Free Software Foundation Europe   [ ][ ][ ]      []
President                            | |         +49 176 9690 4298
Your donation powers our work!           []

Free Software Foundation Europe e.V. is a German Verein registered
at the Registergericht Hamburg (VR 17030). 

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