[Free-RTC] questions GSoC

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.pro
Fri Mar 25 07:20:14 CET 2016

On 24/03/16 21:26, Mateus Bellomo wrote:
> I'm trying to compile it running the debian.sh script but I get this error:
> autoreconf: 'configure.ac <http://configure.ac>' or 'configure.in
> <http://configure.in>' is required
> It seems the file configure.ac <http://configure.ac> is missing in the
> repository (or should I make it?).

You need to set your working directory to the top of the project tree, e.g.

$ cd resiprocate
$ ./build/debian.sh

As a small exercise, could you tweak the debian.sh script so that it
checks it is being run from the correct location and prints a better
error?  Please submit the fix as a pull request.



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