Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.com.au
Thu Apr 25 17:07:45 CEST 2013

On 25/04/13 16:46, chandrika parimoo wrote:
> Hi,
> I am a second year IT Undergraduate from Pune Institute of
> Technology,India. I went through the ideas page of Outreach Program
> for Women.
> I am very keen to work on the idea : Enabling free multimedia
> real-time communications (RTC) with Debian. 
> I have a good experience of 4 years programming in C/C++ . And i am
> more than willing to learn  whatever is required for the project.
> Kindly let me know any more details.

Hi Chandrika,

Are you more experienced in C or in C++?  Do you already have any
examples of open source projects on github or other web sites?

It is OK if you don't have any of your work on github: I can give you a
small C or C++ programming exercise to write a patch for reSIProcate,
that will become part of your application.



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