New Organisation directory tool

Max Mehl max.mehl at
Fri Jan 10 09:20:34 UTC 2020

Hi Carsten,

~ Carsten Agger [2020-01-09 22:07 +0100]:
> Minor report from the trenches of free software development, but a
> project for Danish local authorities I've been heavily involved with the
> last few years (since 2015, getting up to speed since 2017) made it to
> the Joinup site:
> Basically, it's about something as bureaucratic as maintaining
> authoritative organisation hierarchies, e.g. for local authorities
> (which the tools was specifically made to support). Ideally, all
> onboarding etc. of new staff could be done in this tool with
> integrations in place to allow automatic access to other systems the
> employees would need. Or, as it says in the article:

Thanks for sharing, and congratulations! I find this very interesting
and relevant, as it is another example for ready tools that
organisations like administrations can use, study, share, and improve.

In particular, I am happy about the following:

  "OS2 already involves 66 of the country’s 98 municipalities, and 35 IT
  services providers. 'OS2mo could grow to become a standard
  application, because it delivers a common service that all public
  organisations in Denmark need,' he says.

  According to Mr Thirifays, the software can even be adapted to other
  countries. 'It can already be used as a standalone tool, helping
  public services, companies, or NGOs keep their address book and access
  directory up to date.'"

The fact that it is supported by a wide range of companies and
administrations, and the ability to be adapted by other players as well
is a good indicator for its re-usability, which is a key asset for Free
Software projects.


Max Mehl - Programme Manager - Free Software Foundation Europe
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