Free Software in Munich - FSFE thanks cabaret artist Christine Prayon

Florian Snow floriansnow at
Thu May 16 08:52:54 UTC 2019

Hi Besnik,

On May 15, 2019 1:48:07 PM GMT+02:00, Besnik Bleta <besnik at> wrote:
>It’s hard not to see Prayon continuing her satire through her donation
>of the prize money. She doesn't keep the money given from the same City
>of Munich responsible for the defeat of free software.

Yes, indeed. It is very nice of her to use that money to support Free Software and a great connection to her talk about Munich's "progressiveness".

> FSFE should refuse taking that money. It's money coming from the
>50 + 37 = 87 million deal of City of Munich against Free Software.

Actually, awards typically come out of different budgets, so no need to worry.  But even if it came from the nonfree software budget, wouldn't it be best to take some of that money and spend it on promoting Free Software instead?

Happy hacking!

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