the questions you really want FSFE to answer

Carmen Bianca Bakker carmenbianca at
Thu Jun 14 22:13:17 UTC 2018

Dear Daniel,

On ĵaŭ, 2018-06-14 at 22:37 +0200, Daniel Pocock wrote:
> > This statement could create the impression that Daniel Pocock was the
> > one vote against the simplification of the membership procedure.
> > However, this is not the case. Daniel Pocock did not participate in this
> > vote, nor did he participate in the General Assembly altogether (neither
> > personally nor by delegation).
> > 
> Some people may have chosen not to attend the meeting so that it
> wouldn't achieve quorum.

That sounds unusually anti-democratic.  A staunch democrat votes.

> In my case, I actually went out to Albania and Kosovo for free software
> events[1] while other FSFE GA members and staff were meeting in Berlin
> to remove my position.

This sounds more than a little disingenuous.  It sounds like you are
implying that the GA scarcely go to free software events and/or only
had a meeting to vote on a single matter.  Both couldn't be further
from the truth.

I am certain that there is a better platform or way to address these
disagreements than what looks like airing dirty laundry in public,
though.  The CoC mandates that criticism be constructive, and claims
like this...

> As the last[1] man standing for democracy in FSFE

...don't look the part.

I assume you have good intentions, Daniel, and love free software every
bit as much as the rest of us, so I want to ask you if your issues can
be addressed with the same assumption of good intentions.

Yours faithfully,
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