Free software and open source philosophies differ sometimes with radically different outcomes

Giovanni Biscuolo g at
Tue Nov 21 13:45:44 UTC 2017


* Jonas Oberg [2017-11-21 10:01:22 +0100]:

>occasionally, people in our community make mistakes. I do too, and in
>this case, I spoke (or wrote) a bit hastily:
>> I have no patience for socialism and I've never voted for the right.
>These are strong words which I should not have put out there.

thank you very much for this reply!  I'm not socialist but it does not 
matter: we are all on the same side, no matter our political position


>whether someone talks about Free Software or
>Open Source is not a good indicator of where on this political spectrum
>they fall.

I agree, totally, verbatim


Giovanni Biscuolo
Xelera - IT infrastructures

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