FSFE financial transparency

Reinhard Müller reinhard at fsfe.org
Tue Aug 15 13:45:39 UTC 2017


Am 2017-08-14 um 12:00 schrieb Jonas Oberg:
>> As fellowship representative, I'm keen to see how the top donors relate
>> to the fellowship contributions: which group is donating more, or is it
>> equal for example?
> That's information I don't have easily, but you can ask Reinhard or Ulrike
> about this once they're back from vacation.

The 5 donors listed as "Gold Donors" on the web page
https://fsfe.org/donate/thankgnus-2016.en.html donated a total of
154.691,80 in that year, that's significantly less than the donations we
received through the Fellowship. The Fellowship is the main pillar of
FSFE's finances, it was like that from the start and now is it more than

>> Could you provide a better breakdown of "Paid services"?
> Again, I would need to defer to Reinhard and Ulrike. I could probably find
> some information by digging into the actual accounting files, but it would
> be much easier for Reinhard to provide an indication of this when he's back.

Most of this is ticket sales for the European Legal and Licensing
Workshop organised by FSFE. Apart from that, we subrent a part of the
office space to another organisation from the Free Software field, and a
(very small) share of that items is speaker fees we get.

Reinhard Müller * Financial Officer
* Free Software Foundation Europe *

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