Fellowship elections participation

Jonas Oberg jonas at fsfe.org
Wed Apr 26 11:48:35 UTC 2017

Hi Daniel,

> Another idea might be having another Summit event, perhaps aligned with
> some other event such as FOSDEM, at the start of the process (for
> brainstorming ideas) and at the end of the process (for ratifying a
> proposal).

That's not a bad idea, but it depends on the budget we can allocate to it.
Let me circulate a first proposal for this to you and the other Fellowship
representative, together with a few others, and then develop this to a
more concrete proposal together. As I said: while the process might be
longer, I would favour something which we can start on quite soon and
get some immediate results from sooner rather than later.

> Given that this naming issue would be a moot point if the representative
> structure changes, would you consider putting the name change on hold
> until after the process for discussing representative structure?

I don't think it makes sense to stop working just because of something which
may or may not happen in the future. But we can prioritise work on more
immediate issues around our communication before touching the naming issue.


Jonas Öberg, Executive Director
Free Software Foundation Europe | jonas at fsfe.org
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