FSFE General Assembly Fellowship Representative Election

Jonas Oberg jonas at fsfe.org
Wed Apr 12 17:28:10 UTC 2017

Hi Daniel, Stefan, Paul,

> > If somebody cleaned their home every day to the same standard as a
> > hospital, most people would consider it extreme.  But in the context of
> > the hospital it would be desirable behavior.
> On the other hand  if you cleaned your home in the way a hospital is
> cleaned are you not at increased risk of infection, as you're not
> exposed to dirt, bacteria which is essential for your body to build up
> natural defenses.

I think any analogy will be flawed in some way :-)  I also believe the
perception of what is extreme depends on ones own position along the
continuum which I believe we can agree exists.  It's not a matter of
black or white but many shades in between.

We can see the same in other debates: we tend to argue from positions we
interpret as being black or white, where in reality we're talking about
nuances. At the same time, it's somewhere along these continuums the
fault lines of the free softare community exist and it is what sometimes
causes fractures and splits in our community.

The debates we have, including this, are not meant to widen the fault
lines, but to build bridges: to help understand the positions people in
our community have. I do wish we would do more of it!

Jonas Öberg, Executive Director
Free Software Foundation Europe | jonas at fsfe.org
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