404s and unclosed but fixed bugs in the PDF readers bug list

Matthias Kirschner mk at fsfe.org
Mon Jul 2 09:53:09 UTC 2012

* Heiki Repentinus Ojasild <repentinus at fsfe.org> [2012-07-01 16:20:29 +0000]:

> I have been taking looks at
> <https://fsfe.org/campaigns/pdfreaders/buglist.en.html>, and I have
> discovered that quite a few URLs once reported as bugs do not resolve
> (404) any more, or do not contain any proprietary PDF reader
> advertisements. This seemed to be especially common for German
> institutions. If someone has time, please, take a look at the bug
> list, and either find a new URL containing a bug for such
> institutions, or being unable to do so, close the bug.

Yes, that is because of the crappy CMS some of them use, where URLs
change all the time.

What I am doing in such cases: search for "adobe" or "acrobat" on the
domain of the reportet instition. If there is another advertisement I
add the new URL. If it is fixed, I mark the bug as fixed.


Matthias Kirschner - FSFE - Fellowship Coordinator, German Coordinator
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