Why “fellowship”?

Tanguy Ortolo tanguy+fsfe at ortolo.eu
Thu Jan 5 15:30:35 UTC 2012

Hugo Roy, 2012-01-05 16:22+0100:
> April works typically like a French 1901 association and many other
> associations. This is not exactly the same kind of association as FSFE
> (e.V.) also they are legally similar, I would like to point out the
> cultural difference here. For historical reasons, although FSFE was
> quite European at the beginning (including France), it has a lot of
> Germany's cultural aspects in the way the organisation works, that's
> more like other German associations I am aware of.

I can understand that, but I really doubt that the German law provides
no way to have a viable assotiation with more than a handful of
“members”, that term being understood as: people that pay a
subscription and are able to vote for decisions or name a board of
representatives to take decisions.

Being French myself, of course I mostly know French law associations,
but I also subscribed to Debian France, which is an Alsace-Moselle law
association. I think this is quite close to the German law, and as far
as I know, I am a member of it, although I have never been sollicitated
for an assembly yet.

Tanguy Ortolo

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