Call for tender to help EU avoid proprietary software

Sandro Santilli strk at
Thu Mar 31 10:54:16 UTC 2011

On Deceber 2010 the european commission published a call for tender
of the value of 200K EUR to help reducing the risk of proprietary
technology lock-in practices in public procurement:

  Investigate the current public procurement practices in the EU and
  Member States (also at regional and municipal level) and provide
  recommendations for the type of help that the public procurers need
  in order to be able to procure ICT that promotes efficiency and reduces
  vendor lock-in by referring to standards. The study is part of the
  implementation of 'Digital Agenda for Europe, action 23'.

Here's the tender details:

Call is open till April 15 2011, with April 8 being last possible date
for requesting more documents on the matter.


  ()   Free GIS & Flash consultant/developer

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