Your views on the fellowship interviews

Andreas Tolf Tolfsen ato at
Tue Mar 8 14:47:38 UTC 2011

* Also sprach Sam Tuke <samtuke at>:
> 1. Do you read the interviews regularly?


> 2. Do you find them interesting or informative?


> 3. Do you find them entertaining?

Not very much, no.

> 4. Do you think they appeal to people outside of the FS community?
> Should they?

I think they have a two-fold objective:  The first to “show the people
behind the software”, and second to bind the community together.  It's
generally a nice thing to feel you know the person, and it's also a nice
way for us to promote the Fellowship and free software.

> 5. Do you believe that they focus strongly enough on FS?

Current level is fine.

> 6. Do you believe that they focus too much on FS?


> 7. How could the interviews be brought to new audiences / be more
> effectively promoted?

We should explore getting the Atom feeds included on more planets.
Maybe GNOME, KDE, FSF, &c.

> 8. Do you have any strong recommendations for future candidates?

Maybe we could do more personal questions too?  Like, what editor do you
use?  Are you using exclusively free software to do your work?  (If so,
how does that work out for you?)  Are you missing any free software
programs?  What in the free software community needs focus?  Which OS
are you using, why?

> 9. Any other comments?

I think you've done a great job on the interviews so far, and I hope you
are planning to continue.  It might also be worth looking into the web
server logs of what posts are the more popular, what terms are searched
for the most, &c.  That might give you a better idea of what people
enjoy more.

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