Powerpoint: the hidden enemy of world peace

simo simo.sorce at xsec.it
Thu Apr 29 11:37:58 UTC 2010

On Thu, 2010-04-29 at 11:16 +0100, Sam Tuke wrote:
> >You missed the point entirely I guess.
> How charitable.
> >if you use exclusively presentations to present arguments then you FAIL
> Yes, the article does show beautifully show the narrow, linear thinking of the American military establishment, and how it is exemplified in their love affair with Powerpoint.
> I liked the part especially about the huge amount of time that junior staff have to spend using the application in order to produce these endless presentations.
> What a job - spending much of your week making meaningless proprietary presentations using Powerpoint (the frustration!) so that they can be shown to men who have probably already made up their minds about the subject in question. And after having chosen a 'military' career!

And this is in topic how ?


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