firefox, iceweasel, burningdog, icecat, ...

MJ Ray mjr at
Mon Nov 3 14:46:45 UTC 2008

"Sam Liddicott" <sam at> wrote: [...]
> My children have had to do without shockwave and are using non-free
> flash for cbeebies; nickelodean etc.

I put the BBC firmly under the "bad webmasters (usually under strong
instruction from site owners)" heading.

We paid the BBC £110 million for that website last year and they still
try to insist that we use inferior, hard-to-adapt products.  The
"Auntie knows best" approach hasn't changed much from the BBC Model B
days, except the products are now harder to modify and not British.

(By the way, why am I seeing a massive increase in emails without
line-wrapping in the last week or two?)

MJ Ray (slef)
Webmaster for hire, statistician and online shop builder for a small
worker cooperative
(Notice tel:+44-844-4437-237

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