Annoying mail (was Hershey Felder, Hebrew Musical Instruments, A Vital Part Of Culture)

Alfred M. Szmidt ams at
Tue Jan 22 22:01:13 UTC 2008

   >    > Hershey Felder, Hebrew Musical Instruments, A Vital Part Of
   >    > Culture
   >    Very interesting but annoying too. Can you please limit posts
   >    from non members in mailman?
   > Please do not, it is the most stupid thing ever.  Not everyone
   > has the time to get subscribed just to start a short discussion.

   I understand your point. However I run several lists and prefer to
   manually approve serious mails instead of spamming every member by
   keeping the gates open. It is a bit more work but keeps frustration
   away from list members. Of course this is just an opinion.

Instead of simply rejecting them, moderate all the non-subscribed
messages.  The best of two worlds.

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