Article: "Fixing linux" - opinions?

Noah Slater nslater at
Sat Dec 13 00:31:08 UTC 2008

On Sat, Dec 13, 2008 at 12:12:35AM +0000, Rui Miguel Silva Seabra wrote:
> > Erm, what? Firstly, GNU/Linux isn't a single bit of software, it's the name of a
> > computing platform, so I'm not sure how your analogy holds. Firefox is non-free
> > because you cannot modify the artwork and must seek permission if you intend to
> > distribute it under the name Firefox.
> Remember that trademark is ortogonal to copyright.

I am well aware of this. Because they will not let you use the artwork or name
without permission, and because you cannot modify the artwork, the interlinking
of trademark law and copyright law mean that Firefox is non-free by default.

Noah Slater,

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