GPLv3 discussion draft 3 is out

Guido Serra guido.serra at
Thu Mar 29 13:17:13 UTC 2007

> For what I see, these prices are about consultancy work. I have done
> Knoppix remasterings several times by now, and for what I see, all the
> tools to be used for that are available in "the wild" as Free Software
> or "at least" open - source. But I think this is not really a
> "toolchain" but mainly just something like cloop + basic debian  
> tools...

yes, that's the point... can i tell "all the stuff you need is out  
you can do the same by your own" ?

> By the way have look at ... ;)
> You know, reading through this thread, I really understand your
> problem, but to me, the point is: No one _asks_ you to create open
> source software or even Free Software. People still do proprietary
> applications, and, given you'd create a (desktop) tool to spit out
> plaintext configuration files for the different applications needed in
> your environment, things probably will be "fine" (if one accepts
> proprietary software). But this probably is not why you are here, is
> it?

yes, i do not want to develop proprietary software

i believe in freesoftware, but i have to live and take bread at home

and i want to do it in an "ethical way" as much as possible

can i do with gpl3? i'm legal? that's my question

p.s. sorry by now, but i must write code, or my customer,
who is reading this list, will not pay me... :) i'll be a silent  
lurker too...

Guido Serra aka Zeph
+39 348 4313 992

sistemista e sviluppatore

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