Nokia's Maemo: A Free Software Platform?

Frank Heckenbach frank at
Thu Feb 1 11:17:18 UTC 2007

Werner Koch wrote:

> In your article you mentioned that Maemo requires all libs to be
> LGPLed.  To be frank, that is nothing special: Both, KDE and GNOME
> have this requirement.  I had discussions with KDE maintainers in the
> past on how to get a GPLed library (GPGME) into KDE proper.  This was
> one of the reasons we later switched to LGPL for that library.  The
> claimed reason for the LGPL requirement is that some companies are
> using the core KDE libraries for proprietary projects.

And what about GNOME? It's an official GNU project, and AFAIK GNU
doesn't especially care for companies who want to use their code for
proprietary projects.


Frank Heckenbach, f.heckenbach at
GnuPG and PGP keys: (7977168E)

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