licensing question for a C++ template library

simo simo.sorce at
Sun Oct 22 15:44:42 UTC 2006

On Sun, 2006-10-22 at 16:48 +0200, BenoƮt Jacob wrote:

> 1) out of curiosity

IANAL, but the following table is what I'd say.
I collapsed 4th and 5th column because availability of source code
doesn't mean absolutely anything, if you don't have permission to use
it, it is exactly like not having it.
I also changed BSD to X11 which is equivalent but without the
Advertising clause so that there is no ambiguity

> 2) because there's some dual-licensed software (think Qt) and I have nothing
>    against that, so if possible i'd like our library to be usable by such
>    dual-licensed software. I guess that corresponds to the 4th column, not
>    the 5th one, since by definition such software distributes its sources.

Always, under both licenses?

> What's vital for our lib is to be usable by GPL and LGPL software, the rest is 
> optional, but still a plus. All other things equal, we'd prefer a GNU license 
> over BSD or some other very liberal license. So, by filling the above table, 
> you help us making the right choice :-)

|                              | a program or library licensed   |
|                              +-----+--------+--------+---------+
|                              | GPL | LGPL   |  X11   | Non-free|
| can use a C++    |           |     |        |        |         |
| template library | GPL       | yes | y/n[1] | y/n[1] |    no   |
| licensed under   |           |     |        |        |         |
| the ...          +-----------+-----+--------+--------+---------+
| and still remain |           |     |        |        |         |
| distributable    | LGPL      | yes | yes    | yes    |  yes[2] |
| under its own    |           |     |        |        |         |
| license          +-----------+-----+--------+--------+---------+
|                  |           |     |        |        |         |
|                  | X11       | yes | yes    | yes    |   yes   |
|                  |           |     |        |        |         |

[1]: you can distribute the program under it's own license but when
combined with the GPL library the whole work need to be released under
the terms of the GPL.

[2]: you must either use the library as a dynamically linked object or
provides at least binary .o files and the build system to recompile the
whole program if the LGPL library is statically compiled in.

hope this helps,

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