Defining Free Software Business - excurse to CSR

MJ Ray mjr at
Fri Jun 23 06:27:05 UTC 2006

"Shane M. Coughlan" <shane at>
> [...] It may also open the GBN to criticism as an 'extremist'
> network with a hidden agenda.  In other words, such a list could
> be used by critical parties to formulate charges against the GBN.

It could, but would that be seen as reasonable, or leave the accusers
open to criticism as an extremist organisation with a hidden agenda
of disrupting their customers?  We can look at other organisations
that carry out both positive and negative labelling, such as the
Plain English Campaign, which were able to overcome the early
criticism of their efforts, and copy their tactics when needed.

Hope that helps,
MJ Ray - personal email, see
Work:  Jabber/SIP ask

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