summary of Re: Beyond 'open standard'

Yavor Doganov yavor at
Sat Jul 22 20:23:44 UTC 2006

At Fri, 21 Jul 2006 20:18:08 +0200,
Patrick Ohnewein wrote:
> I am asking myself if the term "Open Standard" would be fine for us.
> [...]
> My question is: Is "Open Standard" an acceptable term for the Free
> Software community and can we create our definition under the label
> "Open Standard"?

To be honest, until this discussion I always thought that "Open
Standard" = "Free Standard".  I just used "free" because "open" is at
least ambiguous, needless to mention the association with "Open

To answer your question: I think that nowadays, when the Free Software
Movement is constantly threatened to be buried by the "Open Source
Campaign", it is our duty to point out the differences and establish a
new term.  I think that the new term should be called "free standard",
because namely freedom is what distinguishes it from the already
spread out term "open standard".

In the GNU Project, discrimination against proprietary software is not
just a policy -- it's the principle and the purpose.  Proprietary
software is fundamentally unjust and wrong, so when we have the
opportunity to place it at a disadvantage, that is a good thing. --RMS

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