FAQ for giving lectures about Free Software (revision 3)

Stefano Maffulli stef at maffulli.net
Mon Jul 17 10:19:12 UTC 2006

On Sun, 2006-07-16 at 19:36 +0100, Shane M. Coughlan wrote:
> Now, I have a problem with editing some of the stuff in the Advocacy
> section of the site.  I wanted to change the FAQ title from "FAQ for
> advocating Free Software" to "FAQ for advocating Free Software - English
> version" but there is no edit button.  Perhaps Stef could lend a hand?

I am not sure of what problem you see.  If I go to 
I see the 'edit' button.  Clicking on 'edit' I see a page that says:

        The currently published version is 6 and was published at Friday
        14 July 2006 12:07:26 pm.
        The last modification was done at Monday 17 July 2006 12:21:25
        The object is owned by shane.
        This object is already being edited by someone else. You should
        either contact the person about the draft or create a new draft
        for personal editing. 
and there is a 'new draft' button.  If you see it and click on that
button you can create another version of the document that supersedes
the old one.

eZ has a versioning system internally, so history of modifications can
be traced.  HTH, but if not, I am on jabber today.


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