FAQ for giving lectures about Free Software (revision 2)

Yavor Doganov yavor at doganov.org
Fri Jul 7 17:24:05 UTC 2006

Georg C. F. Greve wrote:
> We should consider to put it online on the Fellowship site, maybe.

Is it worth translating it?  Initially, I felt that I should translate
it, as most of the speakers I've heard in my country make grave
mistakes.  On second thought, everyone that feels to be ready to give
a speech should know English good enough to educate himself decently
about these issues...

> In other words: There is only the Free Software movement.

Exactly my point.

In the GNU Project, discrimination against proprietary software is not
just a policy -- it's the principle and the purpose.  Proprietary
software is fundamentally unjust and wrong, so when we have the
opportunity to place it at a disadvantage, that is a good thing. --RMS

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