Manuals, software, programs (Re: Savannah rejects a project because it uses GPL)

MJ Ray mjr at
Tue Feb 14 11:51:38 UTC 2006

"Alfred M. Szmidt" <ams at>
> Program ::= binary data that can be executed by a computer.
> Source code ::= Something that can be converted to binary data that
>                 can be executed by a computer (either in one, or
>                 several steps)
> Software ::= Any of these two.
> Data ::= Manuals, music, ...
> That is what I have used for many years anyway.

Well, that looks to me like programs for some analogue computers
would not be programs and some hardware would be software and
many other fun consequences. I'm sure it'd not be too long
before other absurdities could be revealed.

MJ Ray - personal email, see
Work:  Jabber/SIP ask

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