French Government Lobbied to Ban Free Software

Sam Liddicott sam at
Fri Dec 2 08:13:18 UTC 2005

MJ Ray wrote:

>Whoops! The last few paragraphs weren't my last draft (bad
>undo button...) and this one was barely comprehensible:
>[to make counterfeiting of...]
>1st - the act, in knowledge of doing so, of publishing or
>putting on public access, in any form whatsoever, a software
>manifestly destined to put works or objects protected by a
>literary and artistic right on unauthorised access to the
>public, that doesn't understand the measures for preserving
>these protected works or objects against unauthorised use
>by a state of technology.
>Sorry about that... hope you got the gist anyway. I now
>return you to commentators who are awake at the prompt.
Well I propose that software includes calls to validation scripts to
implement such measures, and that such scripts be specifiable by
environment variables in order to upgrade such scripts to provide the
er.. latest enforcement that is avilable.

That would meet the requirements of the law? Which seemed to suggest
that ir was lack of control that was objectionable.


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